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Online Pilates Chair Course


You can enroll in this individual course or purchase our Pilates Teacher Training Membership, where you will have access to all the course in this program. Welcome to our Online Pilates Chair Course, designed for aspiring Pilates instructors pursuing their teacher training certification! The Wunda Chair, created by Joseph Pilates, is a compact, versatile piece of equipment perfect for rehabilitating injuries, enhancing athletic performance, and adapting to diverse clients. Exercises can be performed lying, sitting, or standing on the chair—or from its sides—making it ideal for pregnant clients, elderly individuals, those with vertigo (unlike the moving reformer carriage), rehabilitating injuries, and athletes or dancers. In this course, you’ll master a beginner-to-advanced Wunda Chair repertoire in just one day, equipping you to challenge and support clients of all fitness levels. With 10 hours of pre-course study (via our manual) and a 1-day practical session, you’ll earn full certification on this game-changing equipment. Why Take This Course? Boost job prospects—Wunda Chair certification is a must for many Pilates studios and allied health clinics. Safely train pregnant, injured, or elderly clients with seated and standing exercises. Add a cost-effective, space-saving tool to your business. Offer versatile workouts for everyone, from rehab patients to elite athletes. Join us to expand your skills and transform your teaching with the Wunda Chair!



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Pilates Membership
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